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konjunktio, sidesana

konjunktio The act of joining, or condition of being joined.
puhekieltä sexual intercourse|Sexual intercourse.
(RQ:Flr Mntgn Essay), vol.1. ch.29:

Certaine Nations (and amongst others, the Mahometane) abhorre Conjunction with women great with childe.
puhekieltä A word used to join other words or phrases together into sentences. The specific conjunction used shows how the two joined parts are related. Example: Bread, butter and cheese.
puhekieltä The alignment of two bodies in the solar system such that they have the same longitude when seen from Earth.
puhekieltä An aspect in which planets are in close proximity to one another.
puhekieltä The proposition resulting from the combination of two or more propositions using the ∧ (\and) operator.


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